Labour Rights and Decent Work in Socio Economic Reforms in Serbia - Black and White
Contributing to the greater participation of the citizenry in decision-making and the advancement of socio-economic and labour rights
The Center for Democracy Foundation, with the support of the Olof Palme International Center, is currently implementing the project ‘Labour Rights and Decent Work in Socio-Economic Reforms in Serbia - Black and White’ throughout 2024 and 2025. The project aims to enhance citizen participation in decision-making processes and improve socio-economic and labour rights.
Through this initiative, we seek to contribute to the Serbian EU accession process by promoting and monitoring reforms and by enhancing participative and inclusive dialogue in the policy making process that reflects citizens’ needs and priorities through evidence-based policy proposals.
The project overall objective is to promote socio economic rights in the context of EU oriented reforms in Serbia by creating new knowledge, its sharing with stakeholders and through strengthened capacities of trade unions, CSOs and women groups to participate in design and monitoring of public policies in accordance with the human rights-based approach, and through expanded cooperation of key stakeholders leading to stronger networks on national and local level.
Our objectives:
- Increase knowledge and understanding about EU acquis and standards in the field of socio-economic rights and especially labour rights and employment policies that need to be incorporated in the Serbian legal framework, and to provide regular evidence-based monitoring of public policies (on the basis of the human rights-based approach and decent work standards);
- Provide a framework for deliberation of public policies that impact labour rights and decent work standards and to promote and advocate for decent work standards on national and local level;
- Strengthen the networking between trade unions, CSOs and other stakeholders and improve communication in addressing the key challenges in labour rights fulfilment and employment policies, the needs of vulnerable groups, enabling the citizens’ voices to be better heard in public.
The Center for Democracy is building on its extensive experience and the achievements of previous projects, including Labour Rights are Our Rights: Social and Economic Rights and Sustainable Development, Labour Rights in Serbia – Promotion of Decent Work, Working Decently in Serbia, More effective role of the public and civil society in monitoring and protecting workers’ rights, Decent Work for All – Crno na belo…
The ‘Labour Rights and Decent Work in Socio Economic Reforms in Serbia - Black and White’ project is implemented with the financial support of the Olof Palme International Center.
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