The most successful projects from 2004 to 2014.
2014: Contribution of local self-governments to negotiations on the accession of Serbia to the EU
In 2014, the Centre for Democracy Foundation is implementing the project "Contribution of local self-governments to negotiations on the accession of Serbia to the EU" with the support of the Olof Palme International Centre.
2014: More effective role of labour inspection in combating undeclared employment
Within the framework of the three-year programme for Dignified Work implemented by the Solidar Suisse Belgrade Office, the Centre for Democracy Foundation has realised the "More effective role of labour inspection in combating undeclared employment" project.
2013: "Equal at work"
In 2013, the Center for Democracy Foundation launched and implemented the "Equal at Work" project. The aim of the project was to strengthen capacities of local CSOs and promote their role in representing interests and voicing the concerns of women in the labour market, including, terms and conditions of employment, exercise of their labour rights and self-employment opportunities in their local communities.
2013: "Towards the EU membership negotiations – the role of the local communities" (2013)
During the course of 2013, the Centre for Democracy Foundation with the support of the Olof Palme International Centre implemented the project entitled "Towards the EU membership negotiations – the role of the local communities".
2013: "Stop corruption that threatens decent work"
At the beginning of 2013, The Centre for Democracy Foundation launched a project entitled "Stop corruption that threatens decent work"...
2013: "Towards More Efficient Prevention of Undeclared Work and Shadow Economy"
In 2013, Centre for Democracy Foundation implemented the project "Towards More Efficient Prevention of Undeclared Work and Shadow Economy"...
2012-2013: "Decent Work for All"
In 2012 and 2013, the ‘Decent Work for All’ project encouraged and empowered the public to effectively fight for workers’ rights; and at the same time, we united all those crucial in the fight for better and more decent working conditions in Serbia, which was our main objective.
2012: "The strenght of experience"
In the wake of all this and Europe’s Year of Active Ageing, the Centre for Democracy Foundation launched the "The strenght of experience – Stop age discrimination and support active aging" project in 2012.
2012: "We decide together" (2012)
For many years the Foundation has been working with local communities, and in continuation of that tradition, in 2012, it implemented the "We decide together" project, supported by the Olof Palme International Centre...
2011-2012: "Decent Work Balkan Network"
"Decent Work Balkan Network – putting equality and solidarity at the heart of EU integration" was a two-year regional project (2011-2012) financially supported by the EU.
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- The Impact of the Global Crisis on Vulnerable Groups
- Improving the Lives of Marginalised Groups
- The Tool For The Introduction Of The ‘Leave No One Behind’ Principle Into Legislative And Strategic Acts Of The Republic Of Serbia