Our Results
For a democratic and European Serbia, civic participation, respect for human rights, solidarity, sustainable development...
In 2023, we contributed to the improvement of the quality of public dialogue on political, economic, and social issues, advocating for European values and promoting European integration in Serbia and the Western Balkans. We aimed to enhance public policies for sustainable development while respecting human rights, solidarity, and the "leave no one behind" principle.
We collaborated with youths, women's organisations, members of various vulnerable groups, trade unions, representatives of state institutions, the academic community, independent institutions, international organisations, the business sector, media, and friends from civil society. We established new partnerships in Serbia, the region, and Europe, initiating new and significant topics with nearly 1,000 participants in our programmes and public events.
In 2024, we will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Center for Democracy Foundation. We continue to advocate for a democratic and European Serbia, empowering citizens to participate in community development decisions. We uphold the principles of solidarity and sustainable development while advancing economic and social rights.
CDF 2023 Results:
- We empowered 38 young people from the Western Balkans for civic activism at the regional Politeia school and thematic sessions, together with 24 lecturers/trainers.
- We contributed to the improvement of public dialogue on political, economic and social issues through 13 debates and roundtables with 711 participants.
- We supported the promotion of human rights, equality and social inclusion of vulnerable groups at 2 National conferences with 224 participants.
- We strengthened the capacities of local civil society organizations and activists through 9 educational trainings, seminars and workshops with 158 participants.
- We participated in the preparation, design and analysis of public policy documents as members of 12 working bodies mandated for preparation and monitoring of public policies.
- We influenced raising the level of understanding and knowledge on public issues by issuing recommendations and findings within 7 researches, studies and publications.
- We have established cooperation and coordinated activities in the area of social development with 22 new partners at local, regional and European level.
- We involved 115 experts in the work on our programs and project activities, expanded the network of partners by implementing 7 projects out of a total of 13 designed projects.
- We informed the interested public and citizens on our work and views through 18 announcements, 22 interviews and media appearances, 11 e-newsletters, 6 blogs and over 200 media announcements about CDF activities.
The Most Successful Projects 2023:
- Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe
- Sustainable Development Goals for All Platform
- Promoting human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD)
- Mentoring and Monitoring for Real Impact
- Centre Dialogue – Social Forum
- Labour Rights are Our Rights: Social and Economic Rights and Sustainable Development
- Social Inclusion and Economic Empowerment of Roma Men and Women and Other Marginalised Groups
- Extending Social Protection to families in Serbia with enhanced shock-responsiveness
- New Quality in Education for Gender Equality (LAWGEM)
- SMELT - Skilled Marginalised People to Enter the Labour Market
- Coordination of the Working Group for Chapters 2 and 19 at National Convention on the European Union and the Intersectoral Regional Cooperation Working Group of the NCEU
The Most Successful Projects 2020-2022:
- Sustainable Development Goals for All Platform
- Labour Rights are Our Rights: Social and Economic Rights and Sustainable Development
- Policies Beneficial to All - Improving Monitoring of the Impact of Economic Policies on Society
- Regional Youth Compact for Europe
- Connecting the dots
- Dialogue in the Center – Social Forum
- Coordination of the Working Group for Chapters 2 and 19 at National Convention on the European Union
- Extending Social Protection to families in Serbia with enhanced shock-responsiveness
- SMELT - Skilled Marginalised People to Enter the Labour Market
- New Quality in Education for Gender Equality (LAWGEM)
- Strenghtening gender equality in Serbia
Dedicated to Promoting EU values in Serbia
Along 25 years of operation, CDF has advocated for integration of Serbia into the EU, through strengthening of human resources and institutional capacities for democracy, rule of law and human rights. CDF is highly competent in promoting EU values and policies on local level, with experience in development of human resources and institutional capacities. It has a significant track record in advocating for public administration reform, particularly in the areas which are mostly important for citizens (good governance and EU standards implementation in local government, inspections reform, and recruitment and hiring practice in public sector).
Key Achievements 2017-2021
Advocating for a Stronger Social Dimension of the EU integration process
CDF is one of the leading organizations active in Serbia in the socio-economic field where CDF advocates for the policies of sustainable economic and social development policies, through a wide network of partners and associates, from trade unions to employers, and from academia to civil society. By constantly increasing its expertise and experience in the monitoring of economic, social and labor rights in a changing economic environment and in the context of the development perspective, CDF influenced public policies through recommending modification of legal and institutional framework. This expertise earned the CDF a position of a Chair of the Working group for monitoring Chapters 2 and 19 (Freedom of Movement for Workers and Social Policy and Employment) within the National Convention on the EU (NCEU), the largest CSOs umbrella organization in Serbia. CDF directs its activities in the field of economic and social rights to the needs of vulnerable target groups, such as women, young people, elderly citizens, members of the LGBT community, etc. The Foundation has provided direct legal advice to more than 20,000 people.
Key Achievements 2017-2021
Promoting Public Dialogue
We bring together policy makers, experts, businessmen, journalists and social activists. Together we engage in debating key issues and search for common approaches in finding solutions. The CDF Platform Dialogue in the Center is a place for public dialogue, where scholars, activists, politicians and analysts exchange their views on key strategic issues and development challenges We participate in all relevant EU accession-related fora and events, such as in the meeting of the Joint Consultative Committee EU-Serbia on civil society and annual briefings at the EU Delegation on the EC report on Serbia. |
Key Achievements 2017-2021
Issues Addressed:
Profile and Key Achievements 2017-2019
New Monitoring Report by the “SDGs for All” Platform: Is the End Goal in Sight?
NCEU Book of Recommendations 2024 (Summary)
National reports on collective bargaining in Serbia - CEECAW
The Comparative Analysis of Youth Policies in the Western Balkans (WB)
Western Balkans Youth in Policy Making Processes
SDGs for All Platform newsletter (December 2023)
Analysis: Poverty Reduction Through Sustainable Agriculture in Serbia (with Summary)
Serbia 2030 - Many challenges, little time: Is Serbia set on its development path?
NCEU Recommendations 2023
SDGs for All Platform newsletter (September 2023)
POLITEIA Regional School for Youth Participation 2023 (leaflet)
SDGs for All Platform newsletter (June 2023)
Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe (leaflet)
Poverty Projections for Older Persons
The Impact of the Global Crisis on Vulnerable Groups
Improving the Lives of Marginalised Groups
The Tool For The Introduction Of The ‘Leave No One Behind’ Principle Into Legislative And Strategic Acts Of The Republic Of Serbia
Easy Handbook to Support Professionals in working with Marginalised Groups