PRO - Local Governance for People and Nature
Joint UN Programme
The Joint UN Programme "PRO - Local Governance for People and Nature" contributes to improving the quality of life of citizens through the improvement of local governance, social inclusion and environmental protection governance in 110 cities and municipalities throughout Serbia, which are eligible for the Programme support.
The PRO Programme simultaneously provides support to a number of waste pickers affected by the modernisation of waste management systems in local government units participating in the Solid Waste Programme, co-financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the French Development Agency (AFD).
The PRO Programme aims to strengthen the capacity of local government units to deliver a systemic response to the rights and needs of waste pickers, empower them economically to ensure sustainable income generation, and improve the overall well-being of waste pickers and their families. This includes enhanced access to social protection, education, and healthcare services.
The Center for Democracy Foundation mapped the social protection capacities and services in these 12 local government units, where waste pickers defined as priority groups under the PRO Programme live and work, for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Serbia.
The findings of the Community Assessment of Waste Pickers will serve as a key reference point, offering valuable insight to local institutions. These insights will enable the development of targeted policies and the implementation of specific measures to effectively address the distinct needs of waste pickers and their families.
The Joint UN Programme is implemented by the United Nations Serbia agencies - UNOPS, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNEP, in cooperation with the Government of Serbia and with the financial support of the Government of Switzerland. In the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2026, the Programme will implement activities through provision of technical assistance, capacity building and grant support for projects, which will be selected through competitive processes within public calls.
More info:
- New Monitoring Report by the “SDGs for All” Platform: Is the End Goal in Sight?
- NCEU Book of Recommendations 2024 (Summary)
- National reports on collective bargaining in Serbia - CEECAW
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- Western Balkans Youth in Policy Making Processes
- SDGs for All Platform newsletter (December 2023)
- Analysis: Poverty Reduction Through Sustainable Agriculture in Serbia (with Summary)
- Serbia 2030 - Many challenges, little time: Is Serbia set on its development path?
- NCEU Recommendations 2023
- SDGs for All Platform newsletter (September 2023)
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