"Fund to support civil society" - the Foundation as an administrative partner of the EAR (2006)
The Center for Democracy Foundation in Consortium with the Center for the Development of the Non-Profit Sector, implemented a two-year project of the European Agency for Reconstruction "Fund to support civil society in Serbia." The task of the Consortium was to help the EAR in the management and implementation of the Fund to support civil society in the amount of EUR 2 million, allocated for the financing of various NGO projects.
The aim of this project was to contribute to the development of civil society in Serbia, namely by: 1) facilitating the setting up of a sustainable legal and financial framework required for the functioning of civil society organisations; 2) promoting the role of civil society in environmental protection; 3) building partnerships between local non-governmental organizations, the business sector and municipalities with the aim of developing local communities.
The program was implemented in three stages:
- Analysis of the needs and capacities of NGOs
- Organisation of training workshops for representatives of non-governmental organizations, local authorities and the business sector in the following areas: project cycle management, collaboration between sectors, and strategic planning; advocacy and lobbying
- Inviting grant proposals, evaluating project proposals and monitoring grant recipients
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- The Impact of the Global Crisis on Vulnerable Groups
- Improving the Lives of Marginalised Groups
- The Tool For The Introduction Of The ‘Leave No One Behind’ Principle Into Legislative And Strategic Acts Of The Republic Of Serbia