Debate in Smederevo: We’ve finished school - now what do we do for employment?
- Youth Employment Opportunities and Challenges in Serbia’s Labour Market -
On 25 April 2023, the Center for Democracy Foundation organised a debate in Smederevo entitled We’ve finished school - now what do we do for employment? within the framework of the Socioeconomic Rights and Sustainable Development project.
Partaking in the discussion were: Ljubivoje Radonjić, Public Policy Research Centre; Ivan Savić, Association of Entrepreneurs Smederevo; Jovana Božičković, National Youth Council of Serbia (KOMS); Maja Oklobdžija Slijepčević, Psychologist, Educational-Psychological Services at a secondary vocational school in Smederevo; Milana Kukuriković, HR in Meteh, Smederevo; Nataša Vučković, Center for Democracy Foundation. The discussion was moderated by Nataša Rašković, Pro.Tok21 Organisation.
A large number of youths in Serbia are unemployed, yet they are not in the process of completing their education or other forms of training either. When they complete school, our youths actively seek employment on average for approximately two years, while this transition process in the EU takes between four and six months. At the start of the year the National Youth Strategy until 2030 was adopted and the accompanying Action Plan is in the draft phase, as is work on the Law on Youths, which should serve as a base for the implementation of measures defined in the Strategy.
During the debate we discussed how to systemically improve the quality of life of youths in Serbia. Do we have the necessary legislation and active public policies in place? Can harmony be achieved between the world of education and the labour market? Is there a planned approach to new vocations, artificial intelligence, green jobs, sustainable business and agriculture? How to enable young people to become more independent, to find dignified work and build a life for themselves? How much can EU experience and mechanisms help, such as the Youth Guarantee programme? What do youth representatives, employers, the academic community, local self-government and civil society organisations all think of this?
During the discussion, it was pointed out that reforms and EU integration bring benefits in education, job search, and youth independence. A common goal is to strengthen intergenerational trust because we care about you, and you care about your future, Nataša Vučković told youths.
The debate was organised via the Social and Economic Rights and Sustainable Development project, with the financial support of the Olof Palme International Center.
Center for Democracy Foundation
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