• autor/i: Dragica Vujadinović, Mareike Fröhlich, Thomas Giegerich

Gender-Competent Legal Education

Springer Textbooks in Law


One of the key findings of the July 2022 Global Gender Gap Report of the World Economic Forum is this: “At the current rate of progress, it will take 132 years to reach full parity.”

This textbook Gender Competent Legal Knowledge explains the legal mechanisms available for accelerating that process and is the result of joint work of authors from five European universities—Lumsa University (Italy), Cadiz University (Spain), Orebro University (Sweden), Saarland University (Germany), and Belgrade University (Serbia) which also acted as coordinator. These institutions have been working together since 2019 on the Erasmus+ project entitled New Quality in Education for Gender Equality – Strategic Partnership for the Development of Master’s Study program “Law and Gender” — LAWGEM. One of the main intellectual outputs of the LAWGEM project is the publication of this textbook, which reflects all relevant fields of legal education of the curriculum for the master’s study program “Law and Gender”. This book will not only be used in this master program, but will also equally be highly relevant for any effort to study law in a systemic and gender-competent way...