• autor/i: Ksenija Petovar, Nikola Grujić

Towards the More Effective Acting of Misdemeanor Courts and Labor Inspection in Protection of Workers Rights

Focus of the project Improvement of Misdemeanor Courts’ Work Aiming for Better Protection of Labor Rights, which results are presented and discussed in this publication, is the analysis of misdemeanor courts work in the field of labor relations and protection of safety and health at work.

In the past several years Center for Democracy Foundation directed a portion of its research activities on economic and social rights of citizens, those that are part of basic human rights and liberties corpus. Democratic social values not only expand “the right” of human rights, but also compel states to build institutions and guarantee implementation of these rights. Economic, social and cultural rights are important because, from one side, they enable citizens to get familiar and raise awareness on civic and political rights; on the other side, they are an integral factor and one of the fundamental basis for life quality in a social/state communities.

Special significance in Center’s project are labor rights…