Politeia School for Civil Society

School is designed for students who wish to enlarge their knowledge about civil society, tolerance, peaceful resolution of conflicts, human rights, democratic behaviour, European Union, social and economic transition, active participation in public and civic initiatives

The idea about Politeia School emerged in early 1997 during large civic and students protests in Serbia. The Center for Democracy Foundation was provoked by new democratic energy and incited to create a program which would contribute to the development of democratic potentials of young generation as future leader of democratic reforms.

Young people were particular victims of the authoritarian regime and international isolation and hurt in a specific manner by the conditions of living in Serbia in period 1990-2000. They were growing up in a society where the normal system of values was destroyed while their surrounding was agressive and overwhelmed with unjustice and where lack of culture, honesty and competence became dominant. Due to international sanctions, only a few had a chance to travel abroad and see how other people lived.

School Politeia is designed for students who wish to enlarge their knowledge about civil society, tolerance, peaceful resolution of conflicts, human rights, democratic behaviour, European Union, social and economic transition, active participation in public and civic initiatives.

Generally, courses are held three times a year. Since 2002, the School has been part of a larger educational project "Institute Politeia" supported by the European Commission.

After six years, the School still raises huge interest among students - for summer course in 2004, 420 students applied while 120 could have been selected.

Supported by Donors: European Commission • USAID/OTI • Fund for an Open Society • International Olof Palme Center • Konrad Adenauer Foundation • Friedrich Ebert Foundation • National Endowment for Democracy