Holcim and CDF (2007-2008)

In 2007, Holcim (Serbia) Ltd, a leading cement producer basedin Popovac, commissioned the Center for Democracy Foundation to organise a two-day seminar for the representatives of local civil society organisations, municipalities and the business sector. The topics raises at the seminar included strategic planning and project cycle management. 

This seminar is only one of many activities that confirm Holcim Serbia’s commitment to improving the local community, for which it received the VIRTUS Corporate Philanthropy Award in 2007, which was awarded by the Balkan Community Initiatives Fund. 

The Center for Democracy and Holcim continued cooperation in 2008 by offering further support to local stakeholders in the municipality of Paraćin. Cooperation with Holcim Serbia has continued through various activities of evaluation and monitoring on 16 different projects which received support from these companies through an open invitation, which was announced in June 2008.