Seminar on Social Dialogue and Collective Bargaining in the Areas of Care, Waste Management, and Public Administration
CEECAW Project
The first seminar within the project "Challenges of Organizing and Collective Bargaining in the Care, Administration, and Waste Collection Sectors in Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC)" (CEECAW) was held on September 3-4, 2024, in Belgrade, Serbia.
The event discussed national reports on the state of social dialogue and collective bargaining in the areas of care, waste management, and public administration in Central and Eastern European countries and Serbia.
The goal of the CEECAW project is to develop collective bargaining (CB) in three sectors (care, waste management, central public administration sectors) in the EU Central Eastern European countries (CEEC) and Serbia (an EU candidate country).
The project aims at supporting trade unions (at sectoral and national levels) in the implementation of the goals indicated in Article 4 of the Adequate Minimum Wage Directive in EU.
The project is funded by the European Commission (DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion). It is implemented by the Institute of Public Affairs, IPA (Poland), as the project coordinator, and the partner organizations: Center for Democracy Foundation, FCD (Serbia); Lithuanian Center for Social Sciences, LSMC (Lithuania); Central European Labour Studies Institute, CELSI (Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia); Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, IPS BAS (Bulgaria); European Federation of Public Service Unions, EPSU (EU level); Federation of Health and Social Workers' Unions, FZZPOZIPS (Poland), as an associate partner.
Center for Democracy Foundation
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