Conference: „Key challenges in ensuring gender equality in Serbia: fight against gender-based violence against women and recognition of unpaid work”
“Mentoring and Monitoring for Real Impact” Project
The Center for Democracy Foundation, with the support of German Development Cooperation, has organised a Conference on “Key challenges in ensuring gender equality in Serbia: fight against gender-based violence against women and recognition of unpaid work”. The Conference was held on Thursday, December 7 2023 at Envoy Congress Center, 47 Gospodar Jevremova St in Belgrade, as well as online, via Zoom Platform.
The Conference was organized as part of the “Mentoring and Monitoring for Real Impact” Project, with the aim of promoting gender equality in Serbia by empowering women’s organisations to respond to key gender challenges in the society. The event was organized as part of the manifestation "16 days of activism against violence against women".
Opening and Welcome Note: Tomislav Zigmanov, Minister for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue; Gordana Predic, Special Adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Culture; Tatjana Prijic, Assistant Commissionaire for the Protection of Equality; Michael Engel, Project “Support to Social Inclusion”, GIZ; Natasa Vuckovic, Center for Democracy Foundation. Moderator: Marija Sehic, journalist.
I panel: Gender-based violence in Serbia today: Slavica Stanojlović-Urosevic and Maja Konstantinovic, Association of women Pescanik (Sandglass); Branka Virijevic, Association Women Centre Uzice; Tatjana Prijic, Assistant Commissionaire for the Protection of Equality; Jasmina Nikolic, Serbian Network of women against violence.
II panel: Unpaid work of women and men in Serbia: needed support and offered solutions: Silvija Nesic, Association of citizens Ternipe; Jelena Ruzic, Women Association of Kolubara district; Dusica Stojadinovic, Gender Knowledge Hub; Nina Mitic, Ministry for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue; Sarita Bradas, Center for Democracy Foundation.
The results of the project of local partner organisations were presented by: Association of women Peščanik (Sandglass), for the project “Improved prevention, better protection”; Association Women Centre Uzice, for the project “United for better protection and support for victims of gender-based violence in the territory of Zlatiborski, Moravicki and Raski districts”; Association of citizens Ternipe, for the project "The invisible work of women in the household: an obstacle or an incentive for gender equality?"; Women Association of Kolubara district, for the project “Octopus - services to support mothers of children with disabilities”; Gender Knowledge Hub, presentation of results of the project “TATAMATA: Fatherhood and unpaid household work – gender transformative policies and practices”.
The Conference has gathered the representatives of state institutions, international organisations, independent institution and civil society organisations.
It was concluded that the implemented activities enabled the CSOs to reach synergies, use each other’s knowledge and create valuable network for future steps. Furthermore, it helped enhance the impact and visibility of each organization. The data collected from local communities was assessed as highly important for local policy making, while the lack of gender aspect in that area was noted as well. The participants agreed on the need for CSOs to take part in the decision-making process by creating space for dialogue and trust and proper channels of communication while at the same time increasing pressure on policy makers in order to jointly progress in the process.
Center for Democracy Foundation
Opening and Welcome Note
I panel: Gender-based violence in Serbia today
II panel: Unpaid work of women and men in Serbia: needed support and offered solutions
Conclusions and closing the conference - Michael Engel and Nataša Vučković
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