• 2023-05-01

Harmonise labour legislation with the EU Acquis

CDF Announcement: International Labour Day

We are advocating for the adoption of a new Employment Act that will be in line with EU and ILO standards, and we oppose further fragmentation of labour legislation which reduces labour protection

The Center for Democracy Foundation wishes the people of Serbia a happy International Labour Day and highlights the necessity to harmonise domestic legislation with European standards, respect labour rights and the right to decent work and a decent standard of life for all workers in Serbia.

As an EU candidate country, we need to adapt our legal system and practices to European standards. The people of Serbia need a more equal-opportunity environment and better protection. This includes better social protection with a more efficient social inclusion policy and people should not be exposed to discrimination in the workplace.

According to reports compiled by the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, complaints concerning discrimination are most often filed in relation to labour, and youths, women, people with disabilities, Roma/women, members of the LGBT population and elderly workers are most often exposed to inequality.

It was concluded at the conference entitled Economic and Energy Crisis, Labour Markets and Decent Work in Serbia that although the UN’s 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development Goal 8 emphasised the link between decent work and economic growth, decent work standards are not being developed and applied in parallel with economic growth.

We are advocating for the adoption of a new Employment Act that will be in line with European Union and International Labour Organisation standards, and we oppose the fragmentation of labour legislation which reduces labour protection.

The Foundation will continue to improve collaboration with trade unions, to promote trade union association and, with interlocutors in Serbia and in the EU, to present the vast importance of the social aspect of EU integration.

Center for Democracy Foundation




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