• 2023-02-05

Successful implementation of the Erasmus+ project - SMELT

Skilling Marginalized people to enter the Labour Market

Implementation of the SMELT project, which started in 2020 was finalised with the closing conference entitled “Social Inclusion Skills Development and the Employment of Vulnerable Groups” held 16 and 17 January 2023 in Schio, Italy, within the framework of the fifth Transnational Partners’ Meeting.

The CDF completed this project in collaboration with partners from five EU countries, with the aim of improving the position of vulnerable groups and providing the skills they need to join the labour market.

At the closing conference, the project partners presented their achievements/results to interested parties, among which included representatives of local government, CSOs, associations and other professionals working toward social inclusion.

  Easy Handbook to Support Professionals in working with Marginalised Groups


  User manual: How to Find a Job?  


  CDF Analysis: Improving the Lives of Marginalised Groups 


The closing conference was a perfect way to complete this fruitful project, the results of which exceeded partner expectations, who shared not only their professionalism and good practices but their humanity and empathy, values that characterised the SMELT project from start to finish. Project partners will continue with their daily activities to promote the inclusion of vulnerable persons in society.

The project is being implemented in collaboration with 8 partners - Samarcanda società cooperativa sociale Onlus, Italy, Mosha Pijade Vocational Secondary School, Tetovo, Northern Macedonia, Synthesis Center for Research and Education Ltd, Cyprus, Asociación Mar Violeta, Spain, Sdruzhenie Yuni Partners, Bulgaria, European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA), France, Ecor International S.p.A., Italy and the Center for Democracy Foundation, Serbia​.

Source: CDF/ALDA

SMELT - Skilling Marginalized people to Enter Labour Market 

The project is financed by the European Union through Erazmus+ program.