• 2023-02-28

Nataša Vučković for Nova S TV: The people expect the judicial system to deliver justice

“I think we’ve made some progress towards normalisation, toward seeking out solutions that will allow us to break free from this marry-go-round we’ve been stuck on. I think this is a positive step forward for Serbia,” said the Secretary General of the Center for Democracy Foundation, Nataša Vučković for Nova S TV.

“What we need to highlight is that this is a situation which indicates that Serbia is accepting of the realities which exist, in the same way that Kosovo must accept the Community of Serb Municipalities,” said Vučković in response to the new rounds of talks between Belgrade and Priština in Brussels.

In mentioning judiciary events, Nataša Vučković expressed her support of those female prosecutors who spoke out. “In our country, justice and the judiciary system suffers, but the people of the country suffer the most. We, as the citizenry are seeking a judiciary system that will deliver justice. This is important to us and this is what we are putting ourselves out there to achieve.”

And the new set of judicial laws adopted by the National Assembly, with a narrative expressing Constitutional amendment provided the momentum needed to the demand for the autonomy of judges and prosecutors and for preserving the integrity of those who perform these functions.