Annual conference „Economic and Energy Crisis, Labour Market and Decent Work in Serbia“
„Social and Economic Rights and Sustainable Development“ project
On Thursday, December 15, 2022, Center for Democracy Foundation organized the Annual conference „Economic and Energy Crisis, Labour Market and Decent Work in Serbia“ within the framework of the „Social and Economic Rights and Sustainable Development“ project.
The world of labour operates under very complex conditions today, and economic and energy crisis, which Europe and a large part of the world are facing, will additionally affect labour markets and the exercise of economic and social rights. Rising prices of a different goods and services, along with rising inflation, leads to an additional worsening of the position of vulnerable groups on the labour market, and a large number of workers are at risk of poverty. Although the Agenda 2030, and the Sustainable Development Goal 8, emphasized the connection between decent work and economic growth, we are witnessing that the decent work standards are not developed and not implemented in parallel with economic growth.
During this conference, we discussed economic and social rights, with the focus on labour rights, decent work and economic growth. This year, a special focus was on the impact of the economic and energy crisis on the world of labour, economic and social rights and the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as on the just transition strategy and its impact on economic and social rights.
Opening of the conference:
- Nataša Vučković, Secretary General, Center for Democracy Foundation
- Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality
Moderator: Ljubica Gojgić
At the opening of the conference, Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, said that the majority of complaints filed with her office refer to employment/labour. Women, people with disabilities, members of the Roma population, youths, members of the LGBT population, older workers - members of these groups are most often exposed to discrimination.
Data compiled by the RZS (Statistical Office of the RS), indicate that 6.2% of the population live in absolute poverty, and a million are currently facing this threat. We need to redraft all of the strategic documentation that has expired in the meantime, with the Social Protection Strategy being first in line.
Serbia needs a new Employment Act that will regulate this area in a modern way. This new Act needs to be harmonised with international standards and the legal frameworks of the EU, as well as to incorporate all of the lessons we’ve learned during crises times.
Nataša Vučković, Secretary General of the Center for Democracy Foundation, emphasised that as an EU candidate country, we need to adapt our legal system and practices to European standards. The people of Serbia need a more equal-opportunity environment and better protection. This includes better social protection with a more efficient social inclusion policy and people should not be exposed to discrimination in the workplace.
The eighth goal of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for SDGs is called Decent Work and Economic Growth. These two must go hand in hand. Inclusive and green economic growth and decent work are an important precondition of sustainable development.
To us, the following issues are important – what is the quality of employment offered in Serbia? Are decent work standards adhered to? Does social dialogue exist? What is the position and to what extent are trade unions involved in the decision-making process?
Panel I: Labour rights during a crisis - between the law and practice
Presentation of the Annual report: Prof. Bojan Urdarević, PhD, Faculty of Law, University of Kragujevac and Doc. Mila Petrović, PhD, Faculty of Law, Union University in Belgrade.
Keynote speakers: Prof. Mario Reljanović, PhD, Institute for Comparative Law; Čedanka Andrić, President, United Branch Trade Union Independence; Svetlana Budimčević, Union of Employers of Serbia; Tanja Jakobi, Public Policy Research Centre; Jovan Protić, PhD, National Coordinator for Serbia, International Labour Organization.
Panel II: Vulnerable groups on the labour market in Serbia
Keynote speakers: Sarita Bradaš, Center for Democracy Foundation; Osman Balić, League of Roma; Gordana Savić, Užice Center for Human Rights; Jovana Krivokuća-Milovanović, Forum of Youth with Disabilities; Bojana Tamindžija, Center for Policies of Emancipation; Irena Pejić, The Mashine.
The „Social and Economic Rights and Sustainable Development“ project Center for Democracy Foundation realize with the long-term and successful collaboration and support of the Olof Palme International Center.
The annual Report on Labour Rights in Serbia - 2022 was presented at the conference.
Photo Gallery: Annual conference „Economic and Energy Crisis, Labour Market and Decent Work in Serbia“
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