• 2022-06-28

Living Wage Declaration signed

A total of eighteen civil society organisations and three trade unions have signed a Living Wage Declaration on 28 June 2022 at the initiative of the Centre for the Politics of Emancipation.

Nataša Vučković, Secretary General, CDF, signed the Declaration on behalf of the Center for Democracy Foundation.

Representatives of civil society organisations and trade unions said that the signing of the Living Wage Declaration is the first step in creating a broad coalition, one that will fight for a better standard of living for all of Serbia’s workforce.

Sarita Bradaš, CDF Researcher, emphasised during the panel discussion that in Serbia, a mere 10% of those officially employed receive a living wage. She said that the minimal consumer basket does not represent the minimum standard for a decent living, rather, the consumption of 30% of the poorest households.

More info: www.platazazivot.rs

Source: FCD/CPE

Photo: FCD; CPE/Bojan Kovačević




Sindikati i organizacije civilnog društva potpisali Deklaraciju o plati za život

Za bolji život radnika: Deklaracija o plati za život

Sindikati i organizacije civilnog društva potpisali Deklaraciju o plati za život

Potpisana Deklaracija o plati za život

Tri sindikata i 18 udruženja građana potpisalo Deklaraciju o plati za život

Predstavljena Deklaracija o plati za život