• 2022-03-31

NGO Network Calls Citizens to Take Part in the Democratic Election Process

Press Release

The NGO Network for Democracy, Development and Security calls on the citizens of Serbia to exercise their right to vote, to go out to the polls on 3 April and to vote freely, according to their own beliefs and free from coercion.

The right to vote is one of the most powerful tools of the citizens, and the more people who partake in the elections, the more credible and democratic the voting process becomes.

We expect all institutions included in the election process to perform their duties in accordance to the law and to utilise all of their powers to ensure standard, fair and democratic voting take place and to adhere to the expressed will of the citizens.

We call upon all governing authorities to ensure the application of the law, to react in cases of breach, without exception, thus contributing to the legality of the election process. At the same time, we call upon all members of the polling stations to monitor voting in line with the law, to react to any and all irregularities or breaches of the right to vote and to record any complaints into the Polling Station Records, as polling stations are where the will of the citizens will is being collected.

We remain dedicated in our quest to ensure the further development of a democratic society and democratic representative institutions.

The NGO Network for Democracy, Development and Security

Council for Strategy Policy

Center of Modern Skills

Center for Foreign Policy

Academy for Democratic Development

Center for Democracy Foundation