Regional Youth Network Forum - a representation of a comparative study conducted within the framework of the project: Regional Youth Compact for Europe
On 23 July 2021, the Center for Democracy Foundation organised the Regional Youth Network Forum via the Regional Youth Compact for Europe project, whereby a comparative study entitled ‘Youth Transformative Potential in the EU Integration Processes and Post-Covid-19 Developments in the Western Balkans’ was presented.
Participating on the panel were Dragan Srećković (Researcher), Nikola Paunović (Programme Assistant, CRTA), representatives of project partner organisations, trade unions, the academic community, independent institutions and representatives of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). The discussion was moderated by Stefan Simić (Programme Coordinator, Center for Democracy Foundation).
The study’s author, Dragan Srećković presented the key findings of the research. Special attention was placed on the challenges facing the research team while completing their work, from elections being held in almost all countries of the region, to the Corona Virus pandemic, which is why this research carries a great deal of weight.
Nikola Paunović, Programme Assistant, CRTA, who worked together with the author of the study on this research, presented details concerning the project itself. The project lasted for a duration of three years, in many of the regional countries and in collaboration with 13 partners. Nikola also discussed future collaboration among these partner organisations.
This research study was prepared within a wider “Regional Youth Compact for Europe” project, supported by the European Union, which aims to empower CSOs, particularly youth organizations in the WB and Turkey for a more effective participation in policy – making and monitoring process of the EU integrations.
ENG - COMPARATIVE STUDY Youth Transformative Potential
ALB - COMPARATIVE STUDY Youth Transformative Potential
MKD - COMPARATIVE STUDY Youth Transformative Potential
SRB - COMPARATIVE STUDY Youth Transformative Potential
This publication has been produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are in sole responsibility of the Centre for Research, Transparency and Accountability – CRTA, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
“Regional Youth Compact for Europe” is a 3-year project implemented by the Center for Democracy Foundation and 13 other partners.
The project was financially supported by the European Union and co-financed by USAID and the Balkan Trust for Democracy.
Center for Democracy Foundation
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