LAWGEM project - International Congress “Gender and Law in Practice and Education”
The necessity of a gender-sensitive approach in legal education emerges from the highest value and normative standards of modern international and national law. This is the main reason of the LAWGEM project, it aims to contribute to educate students of law (future lawyers, judges, prosecutors, administrative workers, members of parliament and government bodies) in a gender-sensitive manner. This means a real investment in better legislation and a more correct interpretation and implementation of the Law. It also means an investment in a better future by sensitizing judges, but also legal professionals in all fields of legal practice.
Due to the relevance of the matter and its impact, the University of Cádiz is holding an International Congress to disseminate the knowledge.
International Congress “Law and Gender in Practice and Education”
Day 1 – 19th July 2021
I. Gender perspective framework and jurisdiction
- 17.30 - 17.40: Introductory Words; Prof. Isabel Zurita, Dean of the School of Law in the Universidad de Cádiz
- 17.45 - 18.15: How Can We Leverage the Internet to Effectively Teach Comparative Equality in a Comparative Context? Prof. David B. Oppenheimer, Clinical Professor of Law. Director, Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality & Anti-Discrimination Law, Faculty Co-Director, Pro Bono Program
- 18.15 - 18.45: International and National Arena Interplay - Gender Perspective; Prof. Laura Carballo, Nippon Foundation Chair of Maritime Labour Law and Policy, Head, Maritime Law and Policy, WMU (World Maritime University)
- 18.45 - 19.15: Question and Answer moderate; Prof. Isabel Ribes, Head of the School of Labour Sciences in Campus Bahía de Algeciras. Universidad de Cádiz
- Discussion
Day 2 – 20th July 2021
II. Gender perspective in practice
- 9.30 - 9.40: Introductory Words: Prof.Thais Guerrero Padrón; Vice Dean of the School of Labour Sciences in the Universidad de Cádiz
- 9.45- 10.15: Impact of Gender Perspective on Legal Profession - Useful or Harmful; Dr. Julianne Kokott, Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the ECJ
- 10.15 - 10.45: Gender Action Plans in Academia; Prof. Patricia Nieto, Lecturer of Carlos III University, Madrid.
- 10.45 - 11.15: Question and Answer; moderate by Prof. Jesus Verdu, Director-General of International Relations in Campus Bahía de Algeciras. Universidad de Cádiz.
- Break
- 11.30 - 12.00: Presentation of Gender Aspects of Labour and Social Security Law
- 12.00 - 12.30: Presentation of Civil Law and Gender Equality
- 12.30 - 13.00: Presentation of Gender Equality and Business Law and Gender Equitable Taxation
- 13.00 - 13.30: Presentation of Feminist Economics / Gender Economics
- Break
- 16.00: Papers accepted
- 17.30: Discussion
- 18.00: Closing words
The consortium on this project includes the University of Cadiz Spain, the University of Lums Italy, the University of Orebro Sweden and the University of Saarland / Europe Institute Germany. The Center for Democracy Foundation is an associate media partner of the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade on the LAWGEM project.
The most important planned result of the LAWGEM project is the formation of a curriculum that will consist of 17 individual curricula, all aiming to establish/accredit and implement future master studies in LAW AND GENDER.
For more information about the conference click here:
For more information about the project click here:
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