• 2020-06-23

Analysing Bačka Palanka’s Development Policies - Improving Gender Equality

Sarita Bradaš held consultations under the Improving Gender Equality in Serbia project.

Center for Democracy Foundation organised a discussion and the analysis of local development policies in Bačka Palaka within the project entitled Improving Gender Equality in Serbia.

In consultations held with local self-government representatives, Sarita Bradaš of the FCD sought answers to the following questions: what are the needs of the women living in their local communities and what issues do these women face? to what extent do local governments recognise the needs of particularly vulnerable groups of women? what activities are being undertaken by various local actors to improve the position of women?

We presented our activities which aim to analyse both local employment action plans and local employment policies. By taking this approach, we have identified the current and future employment needs of the local labour market, the potential for new job creation, the development of new sectors within the local economy, as well as the economic and social aspects of the lives of men and women alike. We wish to include gender-sensitive goals and activities into local employment policies, through a series of consultations and seminars and to define the impact of proposed interventions on the positions of women and men partaking in the labour market.

The project was implemented in 9 Serbian cities/towns and municipalities in collaboration with the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation under the auspices of the Balkan Trust for Democracy & Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade

Analiza lokalne razvojne politike u Bačkoj Palanci - Unapređenje rodne ravnopravnosti

Center for Democracy Foundation