Center for Democracy Foundation Celebrated 20 Years of Work
Dragoljub Mićunović: The essence of Center for Democracy’s programs is the development of good society.
Center for Democracy Foundation, among first non-governmental organizations in Serbia celebrated 20 years of work in Belgrade.
Center for Democracy Foundation’s President of the Management Board and one of its founders Dragoljub Mićunović stated that the development of a good society is the essence of CDF’s programs
“We have passed through difficult times in which it was vital to be on the side of freedom and peace. It seems to me that Serbia is confused today, moving in circles, not finding the exit to the right path”, said Mićunović.
“Getting onto the right path means searching and finding a way towards a good society whereas the individual will feel as a member of the community, be solidary with others, free to think and speak, have confidence in the laws and safe”, said Mićunović at the occasion of celebrating 20 years of Foundation’s work.
"This society", as Mićunović said, "will not be brought by any messiah, hence we have to build it by ourselves, and also truly love democracy and sometimes sacrifice something for it ".
"I believe that this country has enough democratic capacities”, said Mićunović and added that when enemies of the good, free and just society believe they have suppressed, or at least silenced it – the resistance should start from its depth; “perhaps to some it will seem like a whisper, but it will become stronger as a marching song”.
"I believe in the progress of civil society and new jubilees of the Center for Democracy” Dragoljub Mićunović declared and added that non-governmental organizations straightforwardly fulfill the deficit of democracy.
Secretary General of the Center for Democracy Nataša Vučković said that there were very few non-governmental organizations on the Serbian civic setting when the Center was established, additionally, very small number of non-governmental organizations managed to continue to exist for 20 years.
“When we were starting, we did not know anything about projects, project cycle, strategic planning and other techniques which we acquired in time, but we clearly knew our goals. We were fighting for democracy, free and fair elections, free media, true political pluralism, peace and reconciliation in the region, and for Serbia within European Union”, said Vučković.
She emphasized that activities of the Center for Democracy in the following period will be grouped in three basic programs – public dialogue on the reforms and monitoring their effects in Serbia, institutional reforms in the process of joining EU and protection of economic, social and labor rights.
Nataša Vučković stated that the present celebration is an opportunity to reminisce the persons who cooperated with the Center for Democracy, among others Vojin Dimitrijević, Biljana Kovačević Vučo, Jelena Šantić, Živorad Kovačević, Miljenko Dereta...
Alongside with founders of the Center for Democracy Foundation, numerous university professors, representatives of the civil sector and media were present at the celebration.
For this jubilee, Center for Democracy Foundation has published a booklet “20 Years of the Center for Democracy – For Democratic and Solidary Society”, as well as a documentary film about the 20 years of Foundation’s work.
Center for Democracy is a non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit foundation, which has been active in Serbia ever since 1994, in the fields of education for democracy, political education, democratic institutions’ work improvement, promotion of Pro-European policies, as well as monitoring and protection of economic and social rights. Some of the most significant projects of the Foundation are School for Politics and Civil Society Politeia, Democratic Political Forum and campaign for Decent Work “Black on White”.
Source: Tanjug, Beta, FoNet
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