The Comparative Analysis of Youth Policies in the Western Balkans (WB)
Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe (RYDE) project
The Comparative Analysis of Youth Policies in the Western Balkans aims to provide a comprehensive review of youth-related public policy documents from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia such as strategies, action plans, and laws.
The Analysis is focused on three key areas identified as particularly relevant to youth in the WB context:
- Socio-economic field: employment, education, and sexual and reproductive health of youth
- Youth participation: civic and political engagement, social inclusion, and the involvement of youth in decision-making processes
- Media, culture and the digital world: youth media and digital literacy, critical thinking, youth participation in creating inclusive cultural policies
By integrating youth perspectives into all stages of policy development and implementation, the Analysis aims to ensure that youth voices are not just heard but are central to shaping the future of the region. This document formulated actionable recommendations intended for discussion among policy makers, CSOs, national youth councils, youth organizations, political party youth forums, and experts during the policy lab dialogue sessions. The policy labs aim to improve the dialogue between young people and representatives of institutions, contribute to strengthening the engagement of young people in political, social, and economic processes and cultural life, and jointly discuss the recommendations for improving public policies relevant to young people in the region.
We have to join our efforts and try to find a solution to motivate young people to participate in political and social processes and to improve the framework that enables them to do so!
The Comparative Analysis of Youth Policies in the Western Balkans was conducted within the framework of the Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe (RYDE) project funded by the European Union and led by the Center for Democracy Foundation from Serbia, in collaboration with partnering civil society organizations from across the Western Balkans: the Academy of European Integrations and Negotiations (Albania), Youth Act Center (Albania), Kosovar Stability Initiative (Kosovo*1), Network of Progressive Initiatives (Bosnia and Herzegovina), NGO Info Center Foundation (North Macedonia), and the Regional Academy for Democratic Development (Serbia).
Center for Democracy Foundation
The Comparative Analysis of Youth Policies in the Western Balkans (WB)
ALB: Summary - RYDE Comparative Analysis of Youth Policies in the WB
SRB: Summary - RYDE Comparative Analysis of Youth Policies in the WB
MK: Summary - RYDE Comparative Analysis of Youth Policies in the WB
ENG: Summary - RYDE Comparative Analysis of Youth Policies in the WB
25. mart 2025. | Zrenjanin
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